Alexander Nevsky – „Mr. Universe 2010-2011“

ALEXANDER absolutely NEVSKY – Pseudo-bodybuilder, low-budget film actor, underwriter, public figure, film producer, etc. Example of import substitution for Schwarzenegger. In the announcement of the new Hollywood film „Black Rose“ by the Hollywood Storm film company, Alexander Nevsky says that he has won the „Mr. Universe“ competition three times. [1]

Anabolic steroids

From an interview:

  • Have you ever used steroids?
  • I didn’t use them, I experimented with them.

Motivation from Nevsky

55×55 – ABSOLUTELY (feat. Alexander Nevsky)


Written by Alexander himself, so it is left unchanged, for interest’s sake. Vot tak vot.

Born on July 17, 1971 in Moscow. Mother (instrument engineer, forced to work as a dry cleaner to support the family) – always inspired and supported. Father (professor, doctor of economics) – never provided any moral or financial support. Alexander Nevsky is a shining example of a person who has completely made himself.

Not bad! Absolutely! Nevsky vs. Schwarzenegger

In childhood he played basketball, in youth he was passionate about boxing, and then bodybuilding. At the age of 15 he weighed only 60 kg with a height of 194 cm and had a biceps circumference of 26 cm. After 10 years of strenuous weight training, with a height of 198 cm he already weighed about 140 kg and had biceps with a circumference of 57.5 cm. He became the first Russian bodybuilder to succeed in attracting media attention – he participated in numerous TV and radio programs, and was featured in hundreds of newspaper and magazine publications. With his example, he inspired many Russians to lead a healthy lifestyle and engage in bodybuilding. He was an Expert on Physical Education for Children and Adolescents at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and is currently an Advisor to the Governor of the Tula Region on Physical Culture and Sports. He has conducted hundreds of free fitness seminars and has drawn public attention to the problem of anabolic steroids. Despite Internet attacks from steroid dealers, he continues his international campaign against the use of steroids and enjoys the support of many bodybuilding and fitness stars.

Finished the State University of Management in Moscow (major – Management in Heavy Industry, currently working on a PhD dissertation), studied English at the University of California (UCLA), studied acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute in Los Angeles. Principally does not play „Russian gangster“ roles in Hollywood – for this reason he refused to participate in the film by Jean-Claude Van Damme – The Order and the TV series BattleDome. For his work in the film Treasure Raiders, he received the Rising Star Award at the international film festival in Delray Beach, USA. He became the first Russian to succeed in Hollywood not only as an actor and producer, but also as a film academic. He is a member of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and votes for the Golden Globe Awards. He is a member of the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild and actively supports the Actors‘ Union in Russia. He owns and manages the Hollywood Storm film company based in Beverly Hills, USA.

A compilation of Nevsky’s „Vot tak vot!“

Parody of „Vot tak vot!“

In fact

Mr. Kurytsyn does not officially have any titles won in international bodybuilding competitions.

While principally not playing „Russian gangster“ roles in Hollywood, Alexander also principally does not participate in all significant bodybuilding competitions at a higher level than „guest“.

Alexander tries to position himself as the „Russian Schwarzenegger“, to be a role model for youth and an example to emulate, which he repeatedly tries to mention in every interview for the media. The goal would be noble if Russia did not have other less famous but still accomplished athletes.

Alexander Nevsky is a prime example of a trend that has gained strength in Russia since the early 90s – posturing – using connections and capital to „buy“ titles, achievements and privileges, instead of earning them.

The main purpose of his activities is the glorification of his own name – PR. Rumors and scandals are used as PR, which are eventually forgotten, but Nevsky’s name remains in the public eye. Example: the scandal with „Mr. Universe 2010“.

Titles and awards

„Leave the guy alone! Let him call himself whatever he wants!“ – Vladimir Turchinsky about Nevsky

And he calls himself:

„Mr.“ Universe 2011 (World Bodybuilding Federation) – this title is awarded by NABBA and has nothing to do with WFF/WBBF.

„Mr.“ Universe 2010 (World Bodybuilding Federation) – See information above.

Diploma of Honor for the international promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle (World Bodybuilding Federation)

Silver Medal of Honor for merits in the popularization of bodybuilding and fitness (World Fitness Federation)

Diploma of Honor for contributions to the fight against anabolic steroids (International Association of Natural Bodybuilding)

International judge of the Natural Olympia world natural bodybuilding championship (International Association of Natural Bodybuilding)

International promoter of bodybuilding championships Pro Europe, Universe Grand Prix (World Bodybuilding Federation / World Fitness Federation)

Considers himself the author of dumbbell flyes, calling it the „Nevsky flye“.[2]

Participation in film

[BadComedian] – BREAKING IN MANILA (Director’s Cut Review)

Correspondence between Alexander Nevsky on Twitter[3] with popular film reviewer BadComedian. In the fall of 2014, most of BadComedian’s film reviews were deleted due to copyright infringement at the request of the copyright holders.


Official website

What exactly did Alexander Nevsky „win“

What exactly did Alexander Nevsky „win“ – 2

Vot tak vot!


[1] Published on Apr 3, 2014 –



Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wer ist Alexander Nevsky?

Alexander Nevsky ist ein russischer Pseudo-Bodybuilder, Schauspieler in Billigproduktionen, Autor, Prominenter, Filmproduzent usw. Er versucht, sich als „russischer Schwarzenegger“ zu positionieren.

Hat Alexander Nevsky wirklich den Titel „Mr. Universe“ gewonnen?

Nein, Nevsky hat offiziell keinen Titel in internationalen Bodybuilding-Wettbewerben gewonnen. Er bezeichnet sich selbst als „Mr. Universe“, obwohl dieser Titel von anderen Verbänden verliehen wird.

Wie kam Nevsky zu Ruhm und Erfolg?

Nevsky hat sich durch Selbstvermarktung, Beziehungen und finanzielle Mittel „Titel, Errungenschaften und Privilegien“ verschafft, anstatt sie sich zu verdienen. Sein Hauptziel ist die Glorifizierung seines eigenen Namens durch Gerüchte und Skandale.

Welche Kontroversen gibt es um Nevsky?

Nevsky wird dafür kritisiert, dass er sich als „russischer Schwarzenegger“ darstellt, obwohl Russland andere, weniger bekannte aber erfolgreichere Athleten hat. Außerdem nimmt er nicht an wichtigen Bodybuilding-Wettbewerben teil, spielt aber keine „russischen Gangster“-Rollen in Hollywood.

Welche Titel und Auszeichnungen hat Nevsky erhalten?

Nevsky bezeichnet sich selbst als „Mr. Universe 2010 und 2011“, obwohl diese Titel nicht von den offiziellen Verbänden verliehen wurden. Er hat einige Ehrenurkunden und Medaillen von kleineren Organisationen erhalten.

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